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Sworn Recruiting

Sworn Recruiting

Sworn Recruiting

The Brantford Police Service is currently accepting applications for the position of Sworn Constable
Thank you for your interest in the Brantford Police Service. We are currently accepting applications for the position of Sworn Constable.  It is recommended that you review all the information below in detail prior to submitting a completed application package.

The Brantford Police Service offers successful candidates the opportunity for a long and rewarding career in law enforcement with an opportunity for advancement while receiving police training and performing a variety of functions within the Service.

The Brantford Police Service is an equal opportunity employer seeking qualified candidates for the role of police constable to reflect the diverse community we are proud to serve. 
For a description of the duties and responsibilities of a police officer and for information on minimum qualifications and the selection process, please see below.

  • Minimum 18 years of age
  • Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada
  • Fluent in English
  • Successful completion of at least four years of secondary school education or its equivalent. (Note: official transcripts and diplomas will be required). Where education has been completed outside Ontario, official proof of equivalency must be obtained. Please refer to the assessment agencies below:
International Credential Assessment Service of Canada
35 Harvard Road
P.O. Box 21001
Guelph, ON N1G 4T3
World Education Services Canada (WES Canada)
45 Charles Street East, Suite 700
Toronto, ON M4Y 1S2
  • Valid Class G drivers' licence with full driving privileges and no more than six demerit points
  • Medical, Psychological, and Physical Fitness Standards (minimum level 7 shuttle run)
  • Valid standard First Aid and CPR Certificates
  • No criminal offense convictions for which a pardon has not been granted
  • Good moral character and habits

  • Respond to calls for service
  • Resolve emergency and non-emergency situations in a manner that protects lives and property
  • Maintain public order and provide assistance
  • Enforce laws, investigate, and when appropriate, arrest offenders, lay information and prepare cases for court
  • Prepare and submit timely and complete written reports concerning investigations and police service activities
  • Actively identify problems in the community
  • Proactively patrol assigned areas and identify problems within the community
* Application Package must include the following documents in order for your application to be processed. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

NOTE : You do not need the OACP Certificate to apply to the Brantford Police Service. If you have already obtained the OACP certificate you are welcome to include it in your application package for us to review.  

We recommend that you carefully review all the information listed below and ensure that you have all the mandatory required documents before you submit your application package.
  1. Checklist of Mandatory Information Form 
  2. Application for Police Constable
  3. Applicant Survey Form
  4. Cover letter and resume (include special skills, languages, related experience, and commitment to volunteerism including the organizations, duties, and hours)
  5. Copies of all high school, post-secondary transcripts (completed/incomplete programs),     including copies of diploma certificates
  6. Copies of any other Certificates which demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning
  7. Copies of Reference Letters (signed, dated and it is recommended to be from employment, community service and training/education). There is no minimum or maximum reference letters required
  8. Copy of Drivers Licence (front and back) and Birth Certificate (all numbers must be readable). If born outside of Canada, copy of Citizenship and/or Landed Immigrant status showing birth date
  9. OACP Completed Authorization for Release of Information (signed/witnesses)
  10. Copy of valid standard First Aid and CPR certificates



Stage 1: Application Package Submission
Stage 2: Fitness Assessment
Stage 3: Local Focus Written/Essay and Pre-Background Questionnaire
Stage 4: Local Focus Blended and Developmental/Essential Competency Interview
Stage 5: Senior Officer Panel Interview
Stage 6: Psychological Assessment - Written and In-Person Interview 
Stage 7: Background Investigation 
Stage 8: Comprehensive Medical Examination
Stage 9: Chief and Deputy Chief Interview
Stage 10: Final Selection Decision    


Once hired, cadets will be sent to the Ontario Police College for the Basic Constable Training Course.

At this time, the Ontario Police College tuition fee has currently been suspended.

Application and accompanying documentation for the position of Sworn Police Constable can be uploaded to the link below:

      Brantford Police Service
      P.O. Box 1116 Brantford, ON N3T 5T3
      Link: Apply to this job
      Fax: 1-519-756-4272

Selected applicants will be notified by email for testing/interview stages. Applicants who are unsuccessful will receive an email that they are not proceeding in our hiring process. Please ensure you check your junk mail for any correspondence from us.

For further information regarding our recruiting process you may contact:               

Constable Jaime Price
519-756-0113 Ext. 2401
Recruiting Officer 
Constable Basia Hasham  
519-756-0113 Ext. 2845


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