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Police Records Check Information

Police Records Check Information

Police Records Check Information

Image: Police Record Check Chart


Get a Police Records Check

If you require a Criminal Record Check, Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check or a Vulnerable Sector Check, please read the information below.   
Note: There will be exceptions made for the free Criminal record Check or Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (if the applicant does not wish to pay the processing and authentication fee.)
All other exceptions must be approved by the Records Manager or Records Supervisors.
***Please note: The fee for on-line or in-person applications is the same.*** 
NEW: Effective April 1, 2022 amendments were made to the Police Records Checks Reform Act
What does this mean for volunteers?

Apply Online

Before applying for an online police record check, please read all information below and contained on the online portal.  NO REFUNDS will be issued.
  • Applicant must verify that they live in the City of Brantford.  
    • You must pay your taxes to the City of Brantford.
    • The Brantford Police Service would respond to your address if you called the police.
    • If you are unsure, please contact the Records Branch at 519-756-7050, ext. 3318 for verification.
  • We do not recommend that you attempt to use this system if you:
    • Have lived in Canada for less than one year
    • Are under the age of 18 (note:  if you are applying for a government position the age restriction is reduced to 14 however your employment details will be verified).
    • Have no established personal credit history – i.e. no credit cards, bank loans, mortgage – you will require this in order to authenticate your ID.
  • If fingerprints are necessary for any reason, the online process will stop and the applicant will be advised (via email) that they are required to attend the Brantford Police Service at 344 Elgin Street, Brantford to complete their processing.
  • Completed Records Checks are available for download. There is no need to wait for the mail.
Apply Online using the Online Police Background Record Check Portal: (http://www.policesolutions.ca/checks/services/brantford/)

Apply in Person

PLEASE NOTE: This process is only to be used for volunteers that do not wish to pay the administrative fee for free Criminal Record Checks or Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Checks or in exceptional circumstances that are pre-approved by the Records Manager or Records Supervisors.
***Please note: The fee for on-line or in-person applications is the same.*** 
NEW: Volunteers: An organizational letter confirming their volunteer status will be required. This must be in the form of a letter from the sponsoring agency or employer, on official letterhead, and be specific to the applicant. Form letters will not be accepted.
You can apply in person at the Brantford Police Service, 344 Elgin Street, Brantford, Ontario as per the exceptions listed above.

Fill out the Application for Police Record Check Form, bring Acceptable Identification and pay the application fee as indicated on the Fee Schedule.
Completed Records Checks will be mailed to the applicant.

Any questions, concerns, pre-approval, or if you are unable to use the online portal, please call the Records Branch at 519-756-7050 ext. 3318.
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