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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: Am I able to report lost licence plates or a stolen vehicle online? 

A:  No, you must report a stolen vehicle in person to the Brantford Police Service or via telephone at 519-756-7050.  To report and replace a lost licence plate please visit the following MTO link  https://www.ontario.ca/page/replace-lost-stolen-or-damaged-licence-plate-or-personalized-licence-plate
Q: Can I file a report for something that happened in another city or on a provincial highway? 

A: No, for incidents that occurred outside the Brantford city limits, or on a highway, please call the appropriate police service for that jurisdiction.

Q: What is a suspect? 

A: A suspect is when you or someone else knows the person who allegedly committed the crime or knows the licence plate of the vehicle the suspects were in. A suspect may also be identified through video surveillance that you know exists. 

Q: Can I report a lost passport or other government issued ID online? 

A: No, you will need to speak with an officer for these reports. Call 519-756-7050  and ask to speak with a dispatcher for further direction. (A driver's Licence you can report online)

Q: Am I able to advise that I have found property that I previously reported as stolen or lost online? 

A: Yes, fill out a "supplemental report? and in the incident description, advise that you are reporting that you found property you previously reported as lost or stolen.

Q: In what languages can I submit a report? 

A: Only English at this time 

Q: What kind of reports can I submit online? 

A: Damage to Vehicle (other than by collision and under $5000)

Identity Theft/Fraud is only for use when your personal information such as your name, date of birth, financial or other information has been obtained or used by someone without your permission.
If your documents (for example, the Credit Card itself) have been lost or stolen but your Identify Information has NOT been fraudulently used, please ONLY submit a lost property report, a theft report or a theft from vehicle report. Do not file a Identify Theft/Fraud report.
Before you start your report, contact the organization that will be concerned with the theft/fraudulent use of your identity information. For example, contact your bank, credit card company, other financial institution, or government agency. Make sure you have cancelled any fraudulent or affected cards or accounts.
The contact information for your financial institutions should be printed on your cards or statements.
If your mail is missing, contact Canada Post at www.canadapost.ca or 1-800-267-1177.
To report or replace federal documents such as a Social Insurance Card, contact Service Canada at 1-800-959-8281. They will provide you with information on how to contact the specific federal agencies you need to.
To report lost or stolen Canadian Passports contact Passport Program at 1-800-567-6868.
For assistance regarding provincial documents contact Service Ontario at 1-800-267-8097 or TTY 1-800-268-7095. They will provide you with specific phone numbers or addresses to assist you in reporting your incident and getting replacement documents when required.
Please get and keep all papers, receipts, cancelled checks, mail from companies, etc. related to this crime. We may contact you to get these items if needed and you should keep copies for your records.
Also to safeguard your identity from any further misuses, you should contact Equifax and Trans Union.
If you require more information before submitting your report, you may find the following links useful.

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Q: What if my wallet was stolen and it contained numerous pieces of identification?

A: When reporting a lost/stolen wallet, please enter each item separately in the property section.  Ex. Debit Card, Credit Card, Health Card, Driver's Licence etc.           

Q: Can I contact someone to provide feedback or report problems with the site? 

A: You can email: onlinereporting@police.brantford.on.ca


If you are a victim of crime, please know that under the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights, you are entitled to information and services including the right to make a victim impact statement.

Please call 519-752-3140.




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