Present - |
Councillor Mark Littell |
- Chair |
Larry Kings |
- Vice Chair |
Debi Dignan-Rumble |
- Member |
Mayor Mike Hancock |
- Member |
Leo Renzella |
- Member |
Derek V. McElveny |
- Chief of Police |
Jeff Kellner |
- Deputy Chief of Police |
Margaret Eves |
- Executive Assistant |
a) Court Security
Mr. Justice Gethin Edward of Ontario Court; Mr. Justice Harrison Arrell of Superior Court, Mr. Art Lefebvre of the Brant County Law Association, and Ms. Stacy Neill and Andrew Koster of the Children’s Aid Society appeared before the Board to outline their concerns about the level of courthouse security.
Justice Edward requested the Board provide staff to man the magnometers provided three years ago by the Ministry of the Attorney General at 70
Wellington Street and 44 Queen Street.
He reported on a recent visit to the John Sopinka Courthouse in Hamilton, which also has magnometers. He advised that 891 items, including knives and other sharp objects, were voluntarily turned over at the entrance over a four-month period, and distributed pictures of some of the objects.
At 1:10 p.m., Justice Edward requested the Board meet in-camera in order to hear a public safety issue from the delegation.
Moved by Vice Chair Larry Kings
Seconded by Leo Renzella
THAT the Brantford Police Services Board meet in-camera to discuss a public safety issue.
At 1:20 p.m., the public session resumed.
Mr. Art Lefebvre spoke about Bill 168, new legislation which deals with Violence in the Workplace. He cautioned the Board that courthouse staff could refuse to work if they believed they were in danger, which would shut down the court. As the Board has responsibility for courthouse security, he noted that the Board would be liable if someone was hurt as there would be a strong argument that had the magnometers been staffed, the incident may not have taken place. He also mentioned that lawyers did not want to have to go through the magnometers.
Justice Arrell expressed concern for the safety of the public as well as court staff. He pointed out that some people using the court system have mental health issues, under stress, and can be unpredictable. He suggested deploying court constables so they spend the busy part of the morning manning the entrances. He assured the Board that he would be flexible and indicated Justice Edward would also work with his colleagues at the Ontario court.
Andrew Koster and Stacy Neill spoke about the involvement of people who are emotional and can react badly in a stressful situation in court.
Justice Edward urged the Board to take a proactive step, indicating that people need to go to court and feel safe. He added this was the second time he had appeared before the Board to request additional security and stated lives cannot be contingent on budgets and there is an urgent need to allocate funding for security at our courts.
Mayor Hancock agreed that something should be done, but felt it shouldn’t fall to the municipal taxpayer. He pointed out that in regard to Bill 168, the Board is not the employer, but rather the Ontario Government, and it is therefore the responsibility of the Ministry of the Attorney General.
Moved by Larry Kings
Seconded by Mayor Mike Hancock
WHEREAS court security is a concern to all those who use the justice system
AND WHEREAS a delegation has appeared before the Board today to request that the magnometers installed at 44 Queen Street and 70 Wellington Street be staffed
AND WHEREAS Bill 168 deals with an employee/employer relationship, such as the one that exists between Court staff, the employee, and the Ministry of the Attorney General, the employer
AND WHEREAS the Province has acknowledged their responsibility to shoulder court security costs
AND WHEREAS the Board sees an urgent need to re-examine court security in
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chief of Police meet with Chair Littell, Mayor Hancock and members of the judiciary to explore the redeployment of current human resources at court facilities in order to address court security concerns
AND FURTHER within 30 days, provide a report to the Board addressing the current status of court security and the estimated costs associated to the provision of human resources at entry points of 44 Queen Street and 70 Wellington Street
AND FURTHER the report address the cost-sharing arrangement possibilities between the municipal and provincial governments through a meeting with Chief Derek McElveny, Chair Littell, Mayor Hancock, MPP Dave Levac and other government agencies
The delegation left at 1:50 p.m., at which time a recess was called to deal with an in-camera issue. The meeting resumed at 2:05 p.m.
Moved by Leo Renzella
Seconded by Debi Dignan-Rumble
THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Brantford Police Services Board held May 20,
2010, be adopted as circulated. Carried
a) Seized Funds
Chief McElveny reported that a review of the occurrences resulting from the seized funds has brought to light the need to amend the figures noted in the motion of May 20, 2010. The discrepancies are due to accounting errors and the fact that forfeiture orders had come forward.
Moved by Larry Kings
Seconded by Debi Dignan-Rumble
THAT the May 20, 2010, motion of the Board be amended to read as follows:
WHEREAS during police investigations in 2006, police seized $27,159.61 cash where there is no court order for its disposition
AND WHEREAS during police investigations in 2007, police seized $9,218.81
cash where there is no court order for its disposition
AND WHEREAS Section 133(3) of the Police Services Act allows a police services board to use it for any purpose that it considers in the public interest
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board directs $36,378.42 be
deposited in the Board’s Auction Fund Account.
a) Monthly Statistical Report
Deputy Chief J. Kellner highlighted points of interest in the May 2010 report. The Board was advised that the Service had instituted a new crime prevention initiative by showcasing domestic assault issues through media releases and a segment on Rogers Cable. Mayor Hancock requested figures on the number of domestic assault incidents for 2009 and 2010 and further asked if the Monthly Statistical Report could be amended to include a crime category for domestic assault. Concern was expressed at the number of sick leave hours used by staff, to which Chief McElveny responded that it was an ongoing issue.
b) Budget Report
The Monthly Operating Budget Report, for the period ending May 31, 2010, was received from Inspector Geoff Nelson, i/c Administration Branch. Chief McElveny noted the budget was on target. The Board will meet to review the
2011 police budget on August 5, 2010, at 12:00 noon.
c) Income Services – Fee Schedule
Chief McElveny presented a report, prepared by Inspector G. Nelson, outlining the current fee schedule and recommending a $5.00 increase for record checks for students and volunteers, and record checks for employment and pardon applications, effective January 1, 2011.
Moved by Debi Dignan-Rumble
Seconded by Leo Renzella
THAT the Brantford Police Services Board supports the recommendation of staff and amends the fee schedule for services provided by the Brantford Police Service as follows:
a) effective July 1, 2010, HST be charged on services for which we currently charge GST;
b) effective January 1, 2011:
i) Record checks for student and volunteers increase from $10 to $15;
ii) Record checks for employment and pardon applications increase from $25 to $30.
d) Request for Financial Assistance – Brant-Brantford Crime Stoppers
Moved by Leo Renzella
Seconded by Mayor Mike Hancock
WHEREAS a request has been received from Brant-Brantford Crime Stoppers for
financial support of their “Fine Wine Fights Crime” fund-raiser
AND WHEREAS the Brantford Police Services Board fully supports the work of this organization
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Brantford Police Services Board approves the transfer of $500.00 from the Police Services Board Auction Proceeds Trust Fund to the Police Services Board Special Projects Account (150500) and that this amount be used as a contribution to the “Fine Wine Fights Crime” fund-raiser.
There was no correspondence of note to discuss.
a) Retirement
Moved by Larry Kings
Seconded by Debi Dignan-Rumble
THAT the Brantford Police Service accepts the notice of retirement from the
Brantford Police Service of Constable Len Ellins, Uniform Section, effective June
30, 2010.
b) Retirement
Moved by Debi Dignan-Rumble
Seconded by Larry Kings
THAT the Brantford Police Service accepts the notice of retirement from the Brantford Police Service of Sergeant William Doherty, Uniform Section, effective September 30, 2010.
c) Retirement
Moved by Larry Kings
Seconded by Debi Dignan-Rumble
THAT the Brantford Police Service accepts the notice of retirement from the Brantford Police Service of Sergeant Michael Garbowsky, Criminal Intelligence Unit, effective October 31, 2010.
d) Transfer of Funds
Chief McElveny requested the transfer of funds, previously deposited in the Board’s Auction Account as seized money, as investigation had revealed that charges were still outstanding and a Warrant to Arrest had been issued for the suspect.
Moved by Mayor Mike Hancock
Seconded by Leo Renzella
THAT the Brantford Police Services Board approves the transfer of $2,265.00 from the Brantford Police Services Board auction proceeds account to the Brantford Police Service trust account.
The next public meeting of the Board will be held on September 16, 2010, at 1:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m.
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The minutes of this meeting were adopted this 16th day of September, 2010.
Chair Executive Assistant