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Deputy Chief of Police

Deputy Chief of Police

Deputy Chief of Police

Job Posting:   Deputy Chief of Police                             
Posting Date: March 10, 2025                                  
Closing Date: March 28, 2025

With a population of over 100,000, Brantford is a growing community in southwestern Ontario just west of the golden Horseshoe. The City takes its name after Joseph Brant, an important Mohawk Chief, whose descendants and other First Nations citizens, live within the City and nearby on the Reserve of Six Nations of the Grand River, 20 kilometers from Brantford. Brantford is proud of the educational institutions who have established campuses in the City, Wilfrid Laurier University, Conestoga College, Mohawk College, all contributing to a vibrant and skilled community.  

The Brantford Police Service’s Board has commenced the search for a Deputy Chief who will build on the reputation for innovative leadership and community engagement for which the Service of over 300 members including 205 sworn officers is recognized. 

Deputy Chief of Police 

To support the Chief of Police in meeting the leadership needs in today’s challenging environment, the Deputy will work closely with staff, both uniform and civilian, creating an environment of trust and openness. The Deputy Chief will be a role model for behaviour that is consistent with the principles and values of a professional, ethical and inclusive police service. Success will require the experience and skills to be an effective, contributing member of the command team providing visible leadership across the organization and within the Community, enabling the Service to move forward with a clear sense of direction. Representing the Chief and Service at community events and standing in for the Chief as required, the Deputy will bring a track record of leadership and communication skills essential for the demands of the role. 
To explore this opportunity further, please direct all inquiries by email to Tabitha Fischer, Human Resources Manager at tfischer@police.brantford.on.ca.  To be considered, your cover letter and resume should be submitted in confidence by Friday, March 28th, 2025, by clicking this link:  
https://brantfordpoliceservice.bamboohr.com/careers/186 (Apply to this Job)

Personal information submitted will be used only for the purposes of this competition in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act.  The Brantford Police Service invites and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including from groups that are traditionally under-represented in employment who may contribute to further diversification of our Service.

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