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Additional Fingerprint Requirement

Additional Fingerprint Requirement

Additional Fingerprint Requirement

Additional Fingerprint Requirement

In additional to checking past and current criminal records and local police contact information, the Vulnerable Sector Check includes a search of the record suspension sex offender database through the RCMP.  As Brantford Police Service does not have access to these records, the RCMP must complete this part of the search and provide us with a response.
When submitting a VS query to the RCMP, the search initially attempts to identify a possible match to a sexual offence record for which a records suspension has been granted.  This is based on the surname, given name and date of birth of the individual.  If this query does not identify with a possible match, the system performs a subsequent query based on gender and birth date of the individual.  If this query finds a similar date of birth/same gender in the criminal and record suspension file, this Service will receive a request for submission of fingerprints to be submitted.  The submission of fingerprints will either confirm it is the same person or indicate that there is no match based on fingerprints.
If fingerprints are required in order to complete the Vulnerable Sector Check, the Brantford Police Service will notify the applicant by telephone or via on-line portal.  Fingerprint appointments times are generally during the hours of 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.  The fingerprints are electronically submitted to the RCMP.
Individuals that are required to be fingerprinted will need to complete the following process if they wish to continue with their Vulnerable Sector Check.

  • If the application is for employment, student placements, adoption, foster care, kinship etc., the applicant must pay the $25.00 RCMP processing fee for their scheduled appointment.  A receipt will be provided.
  • If the application is for volunteer purposes, the RCMP waives the $25.00 processing fee.  In order to waive the fee, the applicant must bring a letter from the volunteer agency on letterhead to their fingerprint appointment.  The letter must contain the full mailing address of the agency, contact person, applicant’s name, their role with vulnerable persons and that they are a volunteer.
  • When the applicant attends the Brantford Police Service for their scheduled appointment, they must bring the required RCMP processing fee or the agency letter.  Fingerprints cannot be submitted without either the letter or the payment being received by the Brantford Police Service.
  • Fingerprints will be submitted electronically to the RCMP.  
  • Please ensure that you notify us should your phone number or e-mail address change during the waiting period.
  • It is important to understand that under no circumstances does a potential hit to the records suspended sex offender database confirm an applicant is or is not a record suspended sex offender; this "possible match” can only be ruled out by fingerprints.
If fingerprints are required, the process may be delayed until we receive the results from the RCMP.  Please ensure that you allow yourself ample time to process your request should this situation arise.

For further information on this process, please visit the RCMP website. 

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